8 ways to Cope After Losing A Pet

If you own a pet then you can understand how important they are. How wonderful they are for giving comfort and being there through life’s moments, both good and bad.

Pets, particularly those we can interact with, are there through many important moments in life. We form quote a bond with our pets.

Losing a pet can be as painful as losing a member of your family.

So how do you cope with the loss of your pet?

1. Your Grief Is Real And It Matters

The first thing to remember is that you form a deep, loving bond with your pets and that means you grieve for them deeply. It is not “just a dog, cat, bird and so on”. This is a member of your family. One who shared some amazing moments with you and was a vital part of your life.

It is normal and okay to grieve. If you need to take a day off work then do so. If it was a human no one would think you shouldn’t take that day off.

2. Find People To Support You

You may know many people who have lost their pets, or have pets they love and can empathise with losing that beloved companion. Failing that, there are many groups on social media that you may find. Your family and friends may not understand you, but there are many people out there who will, so keep searching.

3. Your grief is valid.

There are many who will say “it is only an animal” and make you feel wrong for grieving. That sort of person is obviously not a pet lover!

Do allow yourself to grieve. That “only an animal” was a vital part of your life and you had a strong connection to it. Of course you are going to hurt and experience grief.

You need to process this loss as you would the loss of a family member or close friend.

All the feelings you are experiencing are valid. If you had your pet for many years then that pet has been there through many events in your life. That makes its loss even harder.

Allow yourself to feel whatever you need to feel.

If you need to cry, then cry.

On the flip side. If you feel okay at the loss of your pet then that is also okay.

4. Seek Ways To Remember Your Pet

Do something that will commemorate your pet’s life. This might involve planting a tree or flowers. It may be a selection of photos. Or you may get a lock of your pet’s fur and a foot print. Or you may have a photo. Creating a piece of art is also effective, as is writing a letter to your pet.

5. Rituals Are Important Too

Some people set aside time to honour their pet. Maybe you might have people come who knew the pet and hold a small ceremony or wake for your pet.

As previously mentioned, planting a tree can be done as part of a ritual.

Many people have their pet cremated and keep the ashes somewhere special where they can honour the pet.

Do what feels important to you.

6. Look After Yourself.

It is important to be gentle with yourself. Any loss is stressful physically and emotionally. It is important at this time to look after yourself.

You may want to take time out.

You may want to be active.

Many people say they go places they used to go with their pet.

Find the people who support you and surround yourself with them.

Make sure you get enough sleep, good nutrition and exercise.

7. Other Pets In The Household Grieve Too

Be aware that other animals may be grieving too.

They can’t express their grief, but that doesn’t mean they don’t feel it.

After my 18 year old dog died, my 4 year old dog became very clingy. He hated me leaving.

I know other people report similar impacts with the animals left behind.

Just be aware that this may happen and be prepared to emotionally support the remaining animals.

One benefit of helping your other animals is that it helps you too.

8 Don’t be afraid to seek Professional Support.

Seeking support from a grief trained counsellor is also important. It can help you to realise you are not going mad, that what you are experiencing is common to grief experiences of others.

Remember you won’t ever replace your lost pet, but you can find a new pet when the time is right, if it ever is.

To add to the bottom of blogs

Can I Help?

If you would like to talk to me about how I can help you with your grief, please contact me on 0409396608 or nan@plentifullifecounselling.com.au

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