So many people struggle with thoughts that go around and around in their heads. Not nice thoughts, but ones that bother you and destroy your enjoyment of activities during waking hours. Thoughts the keep you aware at 1am, 2am, 3am and so on.
If you are going to be thinking in circles about something then why not turn your thoughts to seeing if you can resolve the issue that is bothering.
Here are the questions to ask:
- Am I Aware How Long I Have Been Having This Thought?
Have you actually been thinking about this thing for a long time, or does it just feel like it. Maybe it is a thought that keeps repeating and it just seems to be going round in your head.
The next question to ask yourself is”
2. Is now a good time to be thinking about this?
If the thought is bothering you the answer is probably no.
Then you need to ask yourself the next question:
3. Is There Something I Am Avoiding?
So often something that is bothering you spins around in your mind but you don’t explore it. This is often because the thought is so overwhelming that you don’t feel you can manage what comes next.
The reality is, exploring this thought further can help you resolve it.
When those distressing thoughts revolve in your mind they are often indicators of something deeper that needs processing. This is why you ask the question.
When you ask the question be prepared to sit with the question and wait for the answer to arise.
When the answer comes to you, allow yourself to explore it further:
• Where in your body is the thought?
• How long has it been there in your body?
• What is the thought about? There is often something that you have not processed that is bugging you until you process it.
• Is now a good time to work through this thought? You might be at work, or it may be the middle of the night and you feel you can’t attend to it. If that is so then set a time to attend to it. Visualise yourself putting the thought on that time and tell yourself that is when it will be dealt with.
When Exploring A Question Doesn’t Bring Relief Try Something Else
Sometimes recurring thoughts are too difficult to resolve, and you may need help. It is unlikely you will get help immediately. In the interim you may need to put that thought aside until you can attend to it.
If this recurring thought is during the day then change what you are doing and do something that will occupy your mind.
Maybe you want to do something that requires your full attention.
Maybe you want to talk to someone.
A change of scenery can dislodge that thought. Try changing where you are working. If you can, go for a walk.
Observation using your senses can also be useful.
• Look around you.
• Name 5 things you can see.
• Now name 5 things you touch. Name what they feel like to touch.
• Now name 5 things you can smell. Name them.
• Name 5 things you can hear and describe what you are hearing.
If it is the early hours of the morning, rather than tossing and turning, unable to get back to sleep and those thoughts just going on and on then get up and do something else for a little while.
Maybe you have a good book to read. Maybe you can listen to music. Just choose something that will not wake you up too much and so that thing until you feel able to go back to sleep.
Most people find it takes half an hour or so before they have cleared their mind enough to go back to sleep. If you can’t, allow yourself to accept that and find something enjoyable and restful to do. Yes you may be tired the next morning, but you will be less stressed. Maybe you will sleep better the next night.
Can I Help?
If you would like to talk to me about how I can help you with your incessant thoughts or attending to the underlying issues, please contact me on 0409396608 or nan@plentifullifecounselling.com.au
If you would like to learn more, I write a regular newsletter with helpful information, tips, information on courses, and the occasional freebie. At the moment I have a free mindfulness meditation for anyone who signs up to my newsletter. This meditation offers a way to safely explore your feelings and learn to be okay with them. If you would like to subscribe please click on the link here: http://eepurl.com/g8Jpiz